Senior Producer
Jul-03-2020 14-20-45.gif

FanDuel – Sports Equinox


FanDuel – Sports Equinox

A “sports equinox” occurs when four major sports (NFL, NHL, MLB and NBA) all play a game on the same day. A Sports Equinox has only happened 18 other times in recorded sports history, and FanDuel celebrated it’s rare occurance with a free-to-play contest with up to $500,000 in winnings.

The campaign began with “hacking” a set of spots currently airing with an unexplained interruption.

After a week of running the hacked commercials, this sports cult recruitment film aired to educate and entice.

The campaign was extended into the real world with a Sports Equinox choir in Times Square and MetLife Stadium during a Jets game, singing songs about the Equinox in full swag.

Direction & Production: Zoic Studios

Original Music: Butter

The Drum - FanDuel’s Sports Equinox